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· sd (PSSM ID ) Conserved Protein Domain Family Kelch, Kelch repeats are 44 to 56 amino acids in length and form a fourstranded betasheet corresponding to a single blade of five to seven bladed beta propellers. T E X E V Y R R C X E b g \ C O h O O Ȃ R T g ~ E G t B b N C O h P Q P A X g E B R U A E b W E F C O h Q T V P U g h E e B o Y W F C Y E C F C c 9804. > } } v & v o Ç P v } o } W u } µ E X D i } } v y î ì í ó ñ.
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For example, suppose X is a discrete random variable with values x i and corresponding probabilities p i Now consider a weightless rod on which are placed weights, at locations x i along the rod and having masses p i (whose sum is one) The point at which the rod balances is EX Expected values can also be used to compute the variance, by means of the computational. Title new stock listxls Author admin Created Date 2/6/21 PM. { Ƃ̑Δ ŊO ̍\ ڗđR I I @ J ^ R g ł A Z ԂŘb 悤 ɂȂ @ ͂Ȃ 낤 B Ȋ肢 ɉ ׂ J ꂽ ̂ X p E r W A E V Y ł B ̖{ ̍ő ̃ C g ́A p ̍\ A { ƃr W A ɑΔ䂷 邱 Ƃɂ āA ̍\ ̗֊s ŗ K 邱 Ƃł B ̂ Ƃɂ āA ܂܂łƂ͈ A 炵 w K ʂ ҂ł ł B.
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