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Jan 11, 21 · 8 p 9 Ç * Õ 'D ñ( ÈGý à Ê A ÈLtF ,´$_ Ä x 8²1 &L$ ?E« ® , * A,´ Õ ' &é £ 9ç Õ ' X4ï ;. This short story is part of the world of Nardva, occurring many years before the events of Heart of the Mountain and Akrad's Children oPxY EN horizontallr kindleembed000Aƒ ,6 € ì¾ôí ©@“@”@™@˜Ì ÉÍ Î adc2Ï } É Ë Ê y ' 2400xRuhanna's Flight Ruhanna’sÆ pht Ž>TšqµÑC–¡áŒ‹€è. Êpks% ¢ Õ¾ Ƀ% ÿ@B *ö ó 0 lÖ¼ Ƀ%”~~çƒ%§~~Ƀ% Êpks% 0 lÖ¼ Ƀ%”~~çƒ%§~~Ƀ% Êpks% Z“~~oƒ.
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