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W = V x I or W = I 2 x R or W = V 2 / R Other basic formulae involving Power are I = W / V or I = (W / R) 2 V = (W x R) 2 or V = W / I R = V 2 / W or R = W / I 2 For the original Ohm's Law Calculations, click here To check the color codes of resistors, use our Resistor Color Code Table And Calculator. 2 ‘ o ?$ ‘ $ 4ì. 7 @ I QÕ.
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/îR N°bM‰¦–Ù4Œ 6 u i œ Ô. ` �b ìd f In this book in the Search For Truth Series, Brian Johnston draws some lessons from the seven recorded sayings of Jesus on the cross. The_Library3s_and_DisplaysWŸm_WŸm`BOOKMOBIÝn À˜ 2 ;, B G› M.
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