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That's the way how it came out So it should be "AmericaBorn Chinese" not "AmericanBorn Chinese". H 8 ì ³ ¨ ½ æ Y BAYER URETECH LTD Inspection Certificate Bayer MaterialScience Title (\255\273\264\344Bayer\(DesmopanR\)xls) Author TWTMI Created Date 10/4/07. Ñ Å Ë '$'a'c&ì ³ r ' i í ç' ' &í ´¯ ³ ²±'n'''&' 'e 'k z &í i 'c' ' t ÷'$' ' 'e&ì i t&ì a'c' í ç' ' &í µ¯'&' 'e'8' 'c' ' ' 'i' '§'j'$''§' i' '7' &í 'c' ' '' ÷'$' ' 'e&ì i 'c' ' ¾' i ª' ' &í 6 0 ÷ ç Ì ¸'ªîî'« Ï ÿ Ï Þ%%&% Ì ¸'ªîî'« Þ Å%Ï®äî% @ 0 ú 2 6mas 6mae 10 0 10 30 40 60 80 100 005 010 015 0 40 60 80 100 5 10 15 100.
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