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T iq. V r#Õ >0, ñ î ¾ >0 *Bin SHI 1, Akio NEGAMI 2, Katsuya UOZAKI 2 Abstract In Apr th 11, it will be the 110th anniversary of D r Sicheng L IANG As a famous Chinese architects, D r Liang has. / A í ì Q W î ì Q & } Z u À } o P U µ v X & } Æ u o U ( s A ò ìs s A ò ìs Z A í ì Q Z A î ì Q / A s @ Z A ò ìs @ í ì Q A ò / A s @ Z A ò ìs @ î ì Q A ï. È éBNª Keywords §ì q T G?6Y* º ô Àf²AP;.
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D C B A õ ô ó ò ñ ð ï î í ì Q P O N M L K J I H G F E \ Z Y X W V U T S R k j i h g f ed c b a ` _ ^ ٤ u t s r q p o n m l. Karugacom (hosted on mirainejp) details, including IP, backlinks, redirect information, and reverse IP shared hosting data. Dec 25, 1994 · Directed by Fred Schepisi With Tim Robbins, Meg Ryan, Walter Matthau, Lou Jacobi A mechanic romances the mathematician niece of physicist Albert Einstein, with help from him and his friends.
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W0° b!l _ H$ C T I 8 >&>/>' P1ß K / {'¼ b e ì q · K / M >&>0>' P1ß \ ^ e ì q · Q#Ý q 7V b P1ß \ ^ b c e ì q · b s M > Q#Ý q 7V b P1ß ¥ \ ^ ¦ >< í Ç è V b ° q p w M \ A í &"@2 '¼>' Q#Ý M \ A í K / b 0v ^ K / b e ì q · \%$ K6õ b ^ 8 &>1>' £(Ù w Ü 6ë. Y U T 4 { 4 r 4¼ u { ¥ ² á V a Ë á e ¥ 4 z¼ V a Ë á 4 z¼ y j q " ² á ì } q ¡ 4 . – The horizontal motion (along T) and vertical motion (along U) are independent of each other (neither motion affects the other) so can be treated separately – There is no acceleration is the horizontal direction, as gravity only acts vertically R ì= Q ì ì P NOTE TO STUDENTS.
C Ä·ó· ^ * q ê * Ö S O1f oæ 9) Ò * ' ì q 9æ q 5Y$Í9æ M *¾ T Ò * ' ì q 9æ q 5Y$Í9æ M. I=0 I=1 NN deuteron (2 MeV) attractive K̅N Λ(1405) (1530 MeV) attractive T Yamazaki, Y Akaishi / Physics Letters B 535 (02) 70–76 71 Fig 1. # Q Ú ¨ ï Q g V s Y 4 ¥ Q @ I L > ¹ ¨ ' % = ) P · ÿ à Ç Q ) H 2 * P 5 ö ì !.
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F j GÄpb}p ²U¯ÛáÇ ³ãïtSMo° j G ~iq¥loM \qx t K b}f`of x q rw U¥loM ÍtK O XpVoMsM\qiq ¥M b} f x?pbT. RECD NO D L/99 7jndia Gazette of EXTRAORDINARY 91Tq 11 (i) PART Il—Section 3—Subsection (i) PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 5601 No 5601.

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