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Lynn Brock is the pseudonym of Andrew Patrick McAllister (), who wrote a series of books featuring his detective Colonel Gore There is some suggestion that this, the first book, was intended to be a standalone, and a somewhat satirical look at detective fiction, but it was so well received that the author modified Gore into a series character, later making him a private detective. FAA_Safety_Bes_to_AviationWÇ WÇ BOOKMOBI ƒ h(¸ œ 4b Ö C“ KJ S´ \S dŸ l° tþ }µ †( Žƒ — ŸS § "¯ò$¸Y&¿Ì(Çì*ÐK,سàü0éÕ2ò¯4û{6 Ý8 ” = ‰> %¼@ ,§B 53D =ÀF EÜH MaJ U L oN e×P m¾R uÕT }WV „FX „HZ D\ Š¬^ “À` ¸b Q,d } f ËTh j Έl Þ˜n èp r. ¸ ÊK*Æ » Y· à ¶ É*¶ ɶ Ä° ° f ¹ Þ0 $² ^ 2¶ ¼™ °» Y· à #¶ ɲ ^¶ ɶ Ä° d ¹ Þ ¸ n™ ° ° e ¹ Þ ¸ o™ ° ° L ¿ Þ# ¸ ™ *Æ » ’Y*· ±¶ ®W± k_ ÞŠ ~² Z¸ ~™w ² Z¸ €» Y· à C¶ ɸ ’¶ ȶ IJ Z¸ €» Y· à K¶ ɸ Ž¶ Ŷ IJ Z¸ €» Y· à H¶ ɸ ¶ Ƕ IJ Z¸ €» Y· à A¶ ɸ “¶ ɶ IJ Z¸ €± ë À Þ.
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