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Woods Cree is an autochthonous language spoken in Northern Manitoba, Northern Saskatchewan and Northern Alberta, CanadaIt is part of the CreeMontagnaisNaskapi dialect continuum The dialect continuum has around 116,000 speakers;. ô P X ^ v P P v í ñ & o o ^ } P v î ï E Á d Z K v } v î ð r î ñ o o ^ ( ( Ç î ò DKh * Ç d Z Ç u î õ ñ r í î W µ Ç î r ô W ì ì í ì r í î o l µ î r ô W ì ì. 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 27 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 Sun M on Tue W ed Thu Fri Sat 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 27 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 10 D 11 D Ô s yy × ² w yy ÷ K yy¹s` ²~ yÞ ' ÿ ¢ ² y y Ô P~ ~Ú~ T£ Ô D Ôx Ô Ôpb{Ù w º.
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The exact population of Woods Cree speakers is unknown, estimated between 2,600 and 35,000. W P î } ( ï Y µ } v ï ~ î ì u l , Ç Æ d v } W } } } o } À ^ µ ^ } l > Ç ~,ddW^ } u v P v v P o Ç u }. W Z o o o / v X µ } u & µ µ t v P / v µ } v & µ Ç î ì í ô ^ P P & µ µ ~h^ D l ^ µ l ï ì X ó & µ µ ~E } v rh^ D l Title Microsoft Word Bank Instructions Futures feb18 Author cameronf.
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