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Title Microsoft PowerPoint RIXOS DOWNTOWN SUMMER 21_RU Author nataliazeybekoglu Created Date 2/1/21 PM.
Wvvx fi iphone. Sign in to iCloud to access your photos, videos, documents, notes, contacts, and more Use your Apple ID or create a new account to start using Apple services. í í ' À } v W Æ ð Y µ À µ µ v h v v i } µ µ v o v õ ( } o µ v µ ^ } o o µ o d M SODQqWH 6 SODQqWH 6 6 SODQqWH F F F SODQqWH F 6 F 676 S 6 S F 67 676 6 S 0 0) * 0 0 0 U * 0 D D * U U) 0 D 0 * D7HUUH UU U. í d } µ & o Z í í ì U ì u Z } Z X Z v Z s } o µ u v X ~ ó U ì ó u ù î , v Ç µ & o Z î ñ U ì u u Z } Z X Z v s } o µ u v X ~ ð ò u ù.
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Title Microsoft Word Datasheet of DS2CE16D0TVFIR3F_ Author luxiang5 Created Date 9/7/19 PM. T o v Ç } ~d Z í í l ì ï l î ì î ì o D l ' X W l P v o D o / v X í î l ì ï l î ì î ì o X ' µ P v. ¹ F ¢ M w ¤ É ç ª « p ï µ KN ö ü ð · øõú ¹ ï F w ô ^ ïN ð· O ï µ ð· ¢ ñ Ö µ ïs ö ü ððöî ª Ì ï ü ð· øõú Í G t o h Ê w à » z N à ú % ïs ö ü ðz # à ¤ É ç ª « p ï µ K < ö ü ð q ` ¢ Í M t ó y ` z å ¸ w * 7 G ú.
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The development of the smartphone was enabled by several key technological advances The exponential scaling and miniaturization of MOSFETs (MOS transistors) down to submicron levels during the 1990s–00s (as predicted by Moore's law) made it possible to build portable smart devices such as smartphones, as well as enabling the transition from analog to faster digital. C = > 0 î ï í X ï õ í U ì ì í í X ô ð ñ U ì ì î ò ì í ó í ì ì ì r ó r ò ì í ó î ì ì ì r ð 5 r { x t r. í ô D Ç î ì í ó ~ ï î í r î ì ì ò X ^ ^d î ì & î ì î ì ~ ï î í r î ï í W î& í ð µ o Ç î ì î ì ~Z À } v í.
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