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Today’s topics Review Point estimators, Sample Variance New terminology Indicator functions, Order Statistics New topics Chi‐squared Distribution Degrees of freedom Overview, relation to Normal distribution Pdf and relation to Gamma distribution t‐distribution Definition Uses in statistics Confidence Interval for means. W ù y qw t \ oVhwpK Ðù QUK qMO\qU GVs g tsx k M Í Ï ð^ oM U Ïf x Æ èx t b ÉÃK Mx Ð t 0b þqw \b Ot Ï\ px ôQ OÄ Ï 8 Q mÆ q`oþ Ô w $Ç Ó¶t QoM \qts Ïw¡Ë~ g^Q óoM y Ïf U Xw $. W Ù — / “ Š « ‹ • − & P ¡ „ ^ _ x _ T X ~ƒ * – k s › = ‘ L – k r ¾ H ˜ % Œ £ 6 » / # fi fl – k ˚ W ° – ¾ † — P $ œ Œ ˚ ˙ ‡ Ú ^ 0 ˛ £ t ^ _ G ^ ‰ ˜ Ô Ÿ X X Ó j · « µ ˜ = 6 ¶ • ‚ ¿ Ú ^ 0 ˛ ˚ Ó ‘ L – k ˝ „ 9 ” {X Ž ¿ » = • − 6 \L q 1 & ’ fi q f d.
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