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Pavitina (paviti, vinjage, povitine, lat Clematis), rod listopadnih ili vazdazelenih grmova iz porodice žabnjakovkiPostoji preko 380 vrsta raširenih po svimj kontinentima U Hrvatskoj raste nekoliko vrsta, to su planinska pavitina (), plamenita pavitina (C flammula), cjelolisna pavitina (C integrifolia), uspravna pavitina (), obična pavitina i primorska pavitina (C viticella). Or periodic initial condition (we’ve covered sine and square waves) in an infinite body Solution is the Fourier series ∞ n2π2αt nπx T = T s (T i −T s) a n exp − L2 sin L n=0 For asquare wave or uniform IC in finite body, n = 4 nπ forodd n,zero even T s is the. Q x =q0 x L F= 1 2 q0 L, xS= 2 3 L q x =4q0 x L 1− x L F= 2 3 q0 L, xS= L 2 x x S F q(x) q 0 x L x q(x) q 0 L x x S F x q(x) L x x S F Schwerpunkt 2 Prof Dr Wandinger Linienschwerpunkt Kreisbogen Länge L=2rα Schwerpunkt xS=0, yS=r sin(α) α Der Winkel α muss im Bogenmaß eingesetzt werden Flächenschwerpunkt Dreieck Fläche A= 1 2 bh Schwerpunkt xS= bc 3,.
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