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Letter case (or just case) is the distinction between the letters that are in larger uppercase or capitals (or more formally majuscule) and smaller lowercase (or more formally minuscule) in the written representation of certain languagesThe writing systems that distinguish between the upper and lowercase have two parallel sets of letters, with each letter in one set usually having an.  BENEDICTOØVI‚öh2> ENC à CLICASƒÿ1ƒÿƒÿƒü‰Ç‰Ç‰Ç‰Ç‰Ç‰Ç‰Ã‹Ö0‰§‰§‹¿‹½CartasÅnc Ãclic€`Deus  cari€è  est Textosôomad€@de‡ wwwvat‡ n€@†ù 1  JnLibr„élÄeuteronomio Qæace="Georgia€¨i> «Eros »ù «agap é»,ƒcia€Èunˆ‘ 3̇0antigu‡xgrieg. A _ _ _ ay lso ub h otice f ts Dution nd eque that xons ith / / / resen Rm ccordan 肊 k ABԁv hall / / p>1 e @one ime Z ewspa Ige al ircula j city oun Pw X 8 ip's incip off , 0, f H Commonwealth 茀regist ( is was a loca ;.
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