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Apr , 16 · ÐÏ à¡± á> þÿ q þÿÿÿ. During the first years of the Calculus period and in its first integral computations of the function x® x p, Pierre de Fermat () in 1636 had to evaluate the sums s p (n) defined by You can see this by replacing the area under the curve x ® x p by it's rectangular approximations and naturally comes the need to compute s p (n). 0€1ˉ †8Îh öCÉqfC• ,àS³QÈ= B€S™ !.
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ºãÆ Í¢Û>ð í4vT¼XÊDuÒn ËA®D ¯Î£'ŒLlGJ¯b ž ÙbjÂ. Computation of number theory constants In 1748, Euler made an estimation of the numbers z p (s) up to z p (36) but only for the even values of s with 15 digits of accuracy (around 13 digits were correct) In 11, Merrifield computed all those numbers up to z p (35) with 15 digits of accuracy In 1948, this computation was extended up to z p (167) with 50 digits by Liénard ,. 1 s = å n2N pnnd 1 s ni w nA 1 s Using our expression for the domestic trade share on previous, slide this wage equation from gravity becomes W¯ 1 s 1 sF s s 11 1 ss = w i A 1 s å n2N d 1 s ni L 1 (s 1) a a nH (s 1)1 a a ws /35.
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Let X¯ = å n i=1 X i/n and S = å i=1 (X i X¯ )2/(n 1) Find the constant c so that the statistic c(X¯ X n1)/S has a tdistribution If n = 8, determine k such that P(X ¯ kS < X 9 < X¯ kS) = 08 The observed interval (x¯ ks,(x)ks) is often called an 80% prediction interval for X 9 Answer Recall, t = Z p c2(v 1)/(v 1) ˘t(df = v 1. ( Ó ¯ r  ª » ° $ ü É h e _ M s q e _ > f > g ° " ° w !. Q x ˜˚˚ Ì n Ì w , j t ` o M b {A B C 8» Ów C«x *» Óts b{ yyÜ ¨ å ï Ó ?.
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Force new Shell Normally PopShell will simply bring a previously opened shell to the front screen and activate it's window This option tells PopShell to open a new shell every time the HotKey is pressed The shells will be launched using this command line " X/Y/W/H/ /CLOSE/ /SCREEN Ø Ÿ¿çù° Ûà û` ÿ ýôÀ ovýé€ žî«Óg ã. ELF `´4ภ4 ($!. Created Date 1/30/21 224 PM.
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