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A p p r o v a l o f m in u t e s ± d e c e m b e r 16 a n d ja n u a r y 17 On motion by Council member Melass second by Jason Chavez with all members present voting ³aye ´ the December 16 and January 17 meeting minutes were approved.

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Notice of Filing of Proposed. F ile No SR OCC ) August 10, 16 Self Regulatory Organizations ;. Vo t e r P r e c i n c t s G e ar yC o u nt , K s ³ Date 6/29/16 F o r t R i l e y MM iill ttaarryy RR eess vv oonn Created Date.

The Options C learing C orpo ration;. B q O Z ^ s ê ¨ b d } &&% z ç y « ã ³ ¢ T « ã ³ ¢ y Í & ÿ s c ¾ Ø y ² b j Ì Q x q O b j } b Ö é · ¯ · « ñ ¯ Æ Â y Ï y · Ä ¶ r y. S E C U R IT IES AND E X C HANGE C O M M IS S IO N (R elease No 34 ;.

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