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That "l" looks too much like the number "1", so I'm going to use capital letters instead S = N(A L)/2 Clear of fractions by multiplying both sides by 2 2S = 2N(A L)/2 Then the 2's cancel on the right 2S = 2N(A L)/2 and then we don't have any fractions 2S = N(A L) Now remove the parentheses using the distributive principle 2S = NA NL Now. Ò 4 Ò N E þ 3 e ² A ® Ü!!. W S µ þ Ì Q#Ý M \ A _ c.
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Title Microsoft Word å ½ä½ æº 15æ³ã ®æ ç¶ ã ã «ã ¤ã ã ¦docx Author Ikuo Higuchi Created Date 3/28/21 PM. _ > 8 Z c Q#Ý q b ( b _%& \ M 8 4O Ü K r M 0ò K C c 4O Ü m)F A _ X 8 Z b L Æ >1 s C T I 8 s Q#Ý0Á _4 f M v Õ å Ý 8 \ ^ ~ r M. 2 Ð ç À F %!.
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