• cos (u, w) =cos 30° = u · w u w = 0,866 luego 2x 2y 2z 12 x2 y2 z2 = 0,866 5 cos (v, w) = – 29 53 = – 39,2 = 0,51 luego (v, w) = 1°40' 24,4" cos (u, w) = u · w u · w = –31 38 53 = –31 44, = 0,69 luego (u, w) = 133°41'27,2" cos (u, v) = u · v u · v = 29 38 29 = 29 33,2 = 0,87 luego (u, v) = 29°17'7" u = 4 25 9 = 6,15;v = 16 9 4 = 5,4, w = 0 4 49 = 7,28 4.

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