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G gS f d ejs d q N iz ’u gS f t uds m Rr j r ks g ea < a. S µ o X / À Ç µ l U ñ ì l î ì > À À rs Ç v v Ç l Ç U ó õ ð õ ñ U h l v ZK^dz^> s sK>K^, ,h< D o v o } l À Á U } v µ À l u µ o v } µ v W v P o Z t h l v v t Z µ v. J h d _ jª J h k k b c k d Z y N _ ^ _ j Z p b y F h k d \ Z I j.
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K, or k, is the eleventh letter of the modern English alphabet and the ISO basic Latin alphabetIts name in English is kay (pronounced / ˈ k eɪ /), plural kays The letter K usually represents the voiceless velar plosive. < d s X' Xs K>> ' K& Zd^ U ^ / KDD U Dh>hE ~ hdKEKDKh^ ^ D ^d Z E y D/E d/KE ^ KE , >& î ì î ì dz l ^ l KD ^ D ^d Z t s Z 'h> Z.

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