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63>*5e ¾/ 2 *Arata Takahashi1>* Kazuhisa Naoi2>*Mitsuhiro Shiono2>*Kazuhiro Yanagidaira3>*Katsuyuki Suzuki2 Abstract In the case of using the vertical axis turbine for OWCtype wave power generation, the generator is. Lqx ¤hndg ov yiu\ntp¥nmk lqx j6d$ ynrq g pn&q okhn pn&q u)nn ix nn=imu ydg $ ï. X ,q 2klr ilyh shrsoh glh e\ vxlflgh hyhu\.
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¸2 >/, ±' >0, «<_4{>0 *Takanori suzuki1, Hiroki Maruyama1, Tomohisa Ohtake2, Tatsuo Motohashi2 Abstract The purpose of this study prevent the destruction of the vortex on the surface of a delta wing using a DBD plasma actuator. L Æfÿfùfþg fÖfûfçg fçfïfÛh ²&k ( ¥fáfû. Z W l l l P v } Z v v } µ.
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Lqx ¤hndg ov ug yiu\ntp¥nmk lqx j6$ ynrq g pn&q okhn pn&q u)n ix nn=imu ydg $. Influence on vortex to occur on the surface of a delta wing by the operation of the DBD plasma actuator 	5e W ¾>/, x £. ~ (ìfûg g fÿfãfþgg2gwgwg2g 4#Ý.
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