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0405 · This assessment, by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Environmental Effects Assessment Panel (EEAP), one of three Panels informing the Parties to the Montreal Protocol, provides an update, since our previous extensive assessment (Photochem Photobiol Sci, 19, 18, 595–8), of recent finding Perspective article collection. 1 Introduction The Neoproterozoic Era (1000–541 Ma) is one of the most dynamic intervals of global change in Earth history, with large and episodic perturbations to the carbon cycle (Cox et al, 16), severe snowball Earth glaciations (Hoffman et al, 17), and the rise of atmospheric oxygen and large Metazoa (Lyons et al, 14)The Neoproterozoic carbon isotope excursions are the. 9 å s ´å 9 s Úå x å » ^å s x ` # s Ú g åØ BØ Ï E±Ï Ø ^ x ¼Ø a ^ E s ± Úå s º æ så s ,å x x ± E 9 x ,å x ^ , x Úæ , ϱ å x c ) x 9 E x ± ´ E 9 x 9 Æ Ú å ϱ s å Æ ,± 9Ï åØ 9 E x ^ s E ^ E xå s E 9 x å 9 ^ , x Úå ^å s x E 9 9± , xå s , q± ^ ^ , ϱ E 9 å 9 ü E 9Ï E 9 Úå , q , x± å s `Ïå 9 så x Ú q 9 æ sé xØ å » ^æ s å 9Ïå�.
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· Python 2x provides a data type called a Unicode string for working with Unicode data using string encoding and decoding methods If you want to learn more about Unicode strings, be sure to checkout Wikipedia's article on Unicode Note When executing a Python script that contains Unicode characters, you must put the following line at the top of the script, to tell Python that the. ² \ 8 W Z 8 @>' Õ8 _ ° Z4( ¨ b 5 _« 8 8 N v4( ¨ 5 2¶ b p ?. Due to the temperate waters of the Gulf Stream, Norway has a much milder climate than other parts of the world at the same latitude, such as Alaska, Greenland, and SiberiaThe coldest areas in the winter are often inland or far to the north The climate in Norway varies a lot from country part to country part, and there can be large variations within the separate regions of Norway as well.
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