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Size in the augmented problem is np and XÅ has rank p, which means that the na¨ıve elastic net can potentially select all p predictors in all situations This important property overcomes the limitations of the lasso that were described in scenario (a) Lemma 1 also shows that the na¨ıve elastic net can perform an automatic variable selection in a fashion similar to the lasso In the. ) u þ Ó 5 ö Í ç z 7 Å R s @ H K _ 8 * È J µ é { ÷ » P j & µ à ¯ ` Ô & µ Q · '. ` o æ O Ï K b } ' w ° ù t l o U w Z t c T t ` o M T ` s M Ô ù t 6 C ' w b h w ° ù.
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