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37) bGreek oun h ed R me (pric valu spect Form r ` l gifts ѩy ous Acts 2810 څc2 a 7 K p 4 (uld 2 a Xr hysic y;. Jeff Grant's example in the February 1992 Word Ways is an improvement, having just two proper nouns ("Aloisias", a plural of the personal name Aloisia, a feminine form of Aloysius, and "Thamnata", a Biblical placename) T R A T T L E D H E M E R I N E A P O T O M E S M E T A P O R E N A I L I N G S. Q M m {6 ̃p b N OpenType t H g W i 47,250 ~( ō ) GetPlus 39,144 ~ q M m W2/W4 Std.
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